Saturday, 6 April 2013

Change of heart

After reflecting on my attempt to film my ident and speaking to the class about the look and feel, we all decided that to get the red and white contrasting enough and to get the colours exactly right it will be much better to animate the whole ident. This can be done for all of the ideas that I have had, so I will not revisit some of my ideas and see which I feel will work the best as an animated ident. 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Pitch Feedback

Now that I have pitched my ideas to the class, I feel like I have a few things to think over. Everyone liked the idea about having strong branding and making the channel colours the main focus however they felt the video that I showed didnt work as well as it could have. We spoke about the changes I am planning on making to the video but they suggested to go with one of my other ideas as it looked a little like a ladies "time of the month" which is not what I was aiming for at all!
The other thing that was bought us is that I have come up with a lot of ideas but I will not have time to do them all, my tutor asked me the question "how many of these are you actually going to have time for" and I was stumped, this is something that I actually hadnt thought about and now I am looking at it, I will only have time to make a complete package for a couple of them. So going on from this I asked which ones were the favourites and I have narrowed it down to four that I will continue to sketch up and work out from there which ones are best to develop. The four I haver narrowed it down to are the washing machine, the tattoo, the jelly and the lava lamp.