Friday, 20 January 2012

Making the third poster

My third poster also started in Illustrator. The first thing I did was to create targets going up the page in a similar way to the circles. To do this I drew a circle using the ellipse tool. I then drew a smaller circle inside that and another to make it look like a target. I copied this technique making the targets bigger as I went up the page. I also added the logo at the bottom making it exactly the same as before. 

The next thing I did was added colour, to do this I used exactly the same colour pallet as I did in my second poster. Using the black arrow tool I selected parts of the targets and gave them whatever colour fill I decided looked right. 

After seeing this in a full mock up I decided the dark stroke lines look a little strange so I highlighted all of the targets and gave them no fill which looked a lot better.

The next thing I needed to do was to add the cutlery. To do this I drew around a knife fork and spoon using the pen tool. I gave each of these a solid black fill and added them onto the poster. I tried many different positions on the page as I wasn't happy with the positioning in my mock up. The position I was most pleased with was the one below. 

After this I then exported it as a PNG and dropped it into Photoshop. I added the same textured background as the other two posters have to give me my full poster.

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