Monday 4 June 2012

Building the site

On my static work section of my website I was planning on having a carousel showing my images, I had a look on various sites and found this one which seemed to be the most popular and exactly what I was after. (
After having downloaded the files and following the tutorial several times I found that I couldn't seem to get it to work. I then went about trying to find more and I came across a few but each time I tried, I couldn't seem to get them to work. 
I then decided to try and use an image slider/slideshow instead but as before even after following the tutorials I couldn't get it right. Reading the comments on the sites from other people I could see that it was a fault I was making, however, even carefully reading through the tutorials I seemed to be missing something. 
After a few days of this I decided to find another way of showing my work which didn't take away from the theme of my site. I then thought about making thumbnail photos into stamps and having lightbox so that they could be seen at a good size as well. 
To do this I first saved two versions of my image, one being the full image at 800px width and the other shrunk down to 125px width and with a stamp shaped border which I added in Photoshop. I then downloaded the code I needed for lightbox and saved it into my js and css folders as the tutorial asked me to. The next thing I needed to do was to link the jquery and css to the head of my html document as you can see below.

Once this was done I then needed to create a div which would hold the images, style it in css so that it was in the place I wanted it and then using this code I added in the two pictures making sure the one with lightbox was the larger image.

All I did then was repeat this with all of my images changing the css on each div to make them look different and this is the result.

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