Sunday, 30 September 2012


We have now been given our first brief of year two and although it seems a little confusing, after having class discussions about it, I now feel like I have a good idea of where I need to start with this project. 
For this new brief we have been asked to created an Ebook for the Ipad. This Ebook will be made up of animation, text, interviews, old photos and possibly some video. The book is going to be based on a family story, which means that we should be able to source our stories, photos and record an interview with ease. 
Although there is a lot to be done on this project along with a lot of research and investigating into my families stories, I think we have been given a fair amount of time and I am looking forward to getting stuck in. Luckily for me, my family has quite a few interesting stories which could all make for very interesting books, so what I will need to do is arrange a day to see some relatives and see what photos and videos they have to complement their stories and base my decision on the story that I find both inspiring and has enough photos to work with.
The biggest problem I see with this project is that I have never used Ibook software or After Effects before which is where we will be creating the majority of our work, for this reason I need to try and get my research and story set quickly so that I give myself as much time as possible to get my head round the software we are using. And although this is my biggest worry about the project it is also what I am most looking forward to, being able to use After Effects is something I have wanted to do for a while but have never known where to start and hopefully by the end of this project I will be confident enough to learn more on my own which will help in future projects. 
Over all I am excited for this project and can't wait to hear what my family come up with for me, I think my next few steps will be setting a time schedule, to optimise my time creating the final piece, research into Ebooks to see what does and doesn't work and also to get a solid story with everything I need including an interview, photos and possibly some video. 

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