Sunday 20 May 2012

New idea

Before I went to OFFF, I was hoping that it would help inspire me into my new idea. Although it wasn’t OFFF that did it, something sprung up in my head. Throughout this project so far I have looked at a variety of styles and themes that I have liked and I have wanted a bit of each of them, but I couldn’t see a way to make that work. So what I have come up with is a design that will let me style each element in completely different ways if thats what I decide I want to do. The idea is junk mail and post themed.

Although we all hate it when people post leaflets and flyers through our letter boxes I thought it would look great as a theme. For this I will make my website vertical with a letter box at the top with post hanging out of it, from there I will then have different letters and flyers and other mail falling down onto the mat at the bottom where I can keep my postcard idea I liked so much about my other design. I have drawn a sketch for this layout in my sketch book and have started mocking up some individual elements that can be incorporated.

I have also created some logo designs which are in my sketch book and have started creating a digital version of the one I like the best, this will take pride of place on the front of one of the letters which will be in my post box.

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