Thursday 10 January 2013

Card Stats

To find out more about the card business, I looked into the sales statistics for 2012 and found that the industry for greetings cards, even though it has decreased slightly, is still at a huge 952 million cards sent per year. That averages at 31 cards sent per person per year. 

Here are some more interesting facts that I found:

  • Nearly 1.38 billion pounds were spent in the uk on greetings cards
  • The average retail price (ARP) of a card is now £1.44, up from £1.39.
  • Mother’s Day remains the largest Spring Seasons card sending event, showing a rise to £57.2m in 2011 from £56.4m in 2010
  • And the UK public continues to show its romantic side with Valentine's Day sales also increasing to £41.5m in 2011, up from £40.7m in 2010
  • The UK card industry is acknowledged to be ten years ahead of the rest of the world in terms of design.
  • Greeting cards are stocked in more types of outlet than any other product – with one in six retailers stocking greeting cards

All found at:

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