Monday, 28 November 2011

Crit feedback and changes

After finishing my posters, I showed them to the class so I could see if there was anything that they felt needed changing. Over all the feedback I got was positive. People said my colour schemes were good and there was a strong link to both of the original posters. The comments I received about changes that could be made for my first poster "I want you for the Navy" were that her jacket is too bright and could be made better from making it slightly darker. Along with this I was told that the woman could be moved over towards the centre of the poster and the font at the bottom could be moved over to the left, leaving more room so that word Facebook would be made bigger and be given an underline like the words "The Navy" from the original poster. To do this I started by locking all of the layers other than the ones which had the woman and her colouring on them, I then used the black arrow tool to highlight all of the woman and dragged her over towards the centre of the poster. I then locked all of the layers apart from the layer with the blue of her jacket and after selecting all of it with the black arrow tool, I changed the colour so that it was a darker blue as was suggested in my crit. When my work was being critted the comment about the woman's hair was made, people decided that it didn't quite work and I should completely get rid of the whispy bit, to do this I simply used the eraser tool and patched up the lines with the pen tool. The last change I made was making the words "To join me on" smaller and move them over to the left hand side, then I made the word "Facebook" bigger and gave it an underline like the words in the original poster. Looking at the difference in my poster before and after crit changes, I am very pleased with the suggestions made and feel that they really add to my design. Here you can see the difference between the before and after changes.

For my other poster there were fewer changes that I have been asked to do. The class seemed to really like my second poster, and said that my graphics were very strong. The main comments made about my poster was that the black line going between the hair and the face, the class thought that it was too bold and could have done with being a lot softer, to change this I selected that part of the outline and changed the colour to a light brown and change the thickness down to 3 pixels instead of 5, along with this change I decided to also make the same changes to the lines around the nose, eye and lips. Another comment that was made was about the font colours, the class said that they didn't feel the way I had coloured the letters worked and suggested to use the colours in blocks rather than individual letters, however after trying this change I decided not to go with it as I feel it didn't work as well as my original idea. Below I have shown my original font colouring along side the change which I will not be using.

The only other change that was suggested was to add a shadow to the darker part of the face and neck which I did by drawing a shape with the blob brush using the feathered effect, I then opened the transparency window and dropped the opacity down. After making all of the changes suggested I am very pleased with how my final poster looks, the whole poster looks a lot softer and more 3D. Below you can see the poster before and after the changes.

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