Monday, 28 November 2011


Now that I have come to the end of this project and am looking back at the work that I have done I am extremely pleased with how it has gone. When I first saw the brief I was worried that I wasn't sure what propaganda actually was and I was also worried that the whole thing was in Illustrator and I had never used  it before, but with a bit of research and a lot of trial and error in Illustrator accompanied by some tutorials I found myself really enjoying the project. The things that I feel went well in this project are my actual posters which turned out much better than I ever imagined and my research which took me from not knowing what propaganda was to being able to tell the difference between the different countries posters and gave me enough ideas to produce two of my own posters. The only thing that I would change if I were to do this project again is the texture of my ATS poster. I feel this poster could have benefited from having a rough, scratchy texture like in the original, however I feel the poster still works without this.
Below you can see my two finished posters, The first one called "I want you for the Navy" was difficult to draw, I struggled with the tones on her face and the shape of her eyes but once I over came this I could really see the piece coming together. This poster is a recruitment poster for Facebook, to show this I have used the Facebook logo on the woman's arm along with adding the "like" hand to her hat, I have stuck to the main theme of the original poster by using the same colours and keeping the fonts as similar as possible. I really feel my image captures the personality of the original poster as well as promoting Facebook.
The second poster I did which I call "Join ATS" was a lot easier to draw as most of the lines were simple, I have kept the same colour schemes and found the fonts that I think are closest to the original fonts. Although it would have been nice to be able to capture the worn effect of the original, I like the final look of this image. The woman's face is strong and confident while keeping a soft likeable appearance. I am particularly pleased with how this poster came out as I feel it really shows the skills I have learnt while doing this project. 

Looking over the whole project I am very happy and I am very pleased with both of my posters, starting the project I didn't know how to use Illustrator, so looking at the poster I have produced I am more than happy to submit them. I really feel like I have picked up skills that I will use in future projects and in my working life and I am very much looking forward to learning more in the next project.  

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