Wednesday 8 February 2012


After deciding to move on from my water idea I am stuck on where to go next. I am really struggling with the idea of not being literal. It seems that there are two sides to this stick, one side being literal and the other being completely random, I have to somehow place myself in the middle of this, what seems like a tiny gap. I think the key to this project will be in picking a theme or a base, I seem to be struggling with this blank canvas idea and think finding a focus, theme or direction to take this in will be the blob of paint I need to kick start me into getting this right. I know it will come to me, its just a matter of trying to speed it up so I still have time to make a successful piece of work. 

To help me find an idea, I looked at this opening for a TV programe called "Dexter" in hope that it would help me understand how to find a middle ground between being too literal and my video not making sense.  

The programe Dexter is about a police man who is also a secret serial killer, this introduction is very clever as it makes something so normal as waking up and having breakfast look so blood thirsty. The music with this piece is eerily happy for what is going on in the video, this teamed with the theme of the programe gives the whole thing a bit of a creepy feel, it makes the viewer like Dexter even though he is a deadly killer, it confuses the viewer into not knowing if killing is good or bad which in turn gives the feel of excitement and unknown. I like this idea of cutting up foods and having things that are very normal shown in a different light and making them have a completely different meaning. This title sequence is very successful and for its theme fits perfectly, it is a bit strange and abstract but still makes sense to what happens in the programe, this is something I need to do with my video and I feel that the clips I have seen in this will be a great help to filming clips of my own.

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