Thursday 8 March 2012


For this new project we have been asked to create a website for a live client, this means that the client has a real company and we will have to contact them throughout the project to gain feedback and collect any information we need such as images and content. I am very much looking forward to this project as I feel it will help me learn what it is like to work with a real client I don't know and web design is mainly what I enjoy doing. The only concern about working with a real client is the idea of having to wait for a response and the worry they will disapprove of your designs and what something completely different. 
Overall I think it will be a fun project and the challenges will be helpful to my learning. 

We have been given a choice of three clients,

Client: Clive Arnold
Project: Central Appliances
Description: Central Appliances are a small, local domestic appliance company established for 23 years. They supply and repair domestic appliances in the Brighton and Hove area.
Requirements: A simple design with just 2 or 3 pages. The client doesn't want a complicated site with too much content. This should be balanced with getting the key information and message across.
Target Audience: General Public, Lettings Agents and Landlords.

Pros and cons,
Clive Arnold has a good business which has a great hook of being local and having 23 years of experience, however I feel I would really struggle with having a site with minimal content as I do not work too well with white space.

Client: Clive Bonny
Project: Self Made Creative Clothing
Description: Self Made Creative Clothing supports, and acts as a catalyst for projects helping learners of all ages with creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship using low cost accessible clothing materials and other associated recycled resources.
Requirements: A media rich website to showcase project aims, background, participants, activities and outcomes.
Target Audience: Students, Employers and People interested in recycling, sustainability and enterprise.

Pros and cons,
Clive Bonny would like a site that is interesting and busy which I would find much easier than having minimal content like Clive Arnold, however his business is confusing and targeting both students and employers in the same design will be a challenge. This site could go one of two ways, it could look very professional and meet all of the clients needs or just look messy and overcrowded, I feel this site would be a challenge. 

Client: Peggy Fenlon
Project: PACES, Nursery
Description: PACES for Brighton provide a high quality care and education for children, primarily below statutory school age. They employ 6 staff and work with volunteers from Brighton City College giving them work experience and training. They aim to continue fund raising to keep costs for the community down.
Requirements: A regularly updated website is a requirement for the funding they receive. They would like to keep parents up to date with current PACES information and provide general advice from the website. Website content should cover:
- Introduction to PACES
- Prices
- What children do whilst in their care
- Staff and Qualifications
- Management Structure
- Healthy Eating
- Keeping Safe
- Money Saving Tips
Target Audience: Mainly single parents, often with limited reading skills. Looking to also attract new parents and families.

Pros and cons,
This is the sort of site I feel happy with as I feel it is a chance to really explore my creative side and create a site that suits the needs of the client, however a massive con to this is that the brief was handed to us late and this has started warning bells ringing in my head, going with this client I may well be setting myself up to a struggle with keeping deadlines and receiving information I need on time. Although the worry of this client being on time with replies could cause a huge problem, this is the client I have decided to go with as I feel I could make them a very good site which really suits the nature of the business they run.

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