Friday 2 March 2012


Having now come to the end of this project I am pleased with how it went. I feel the video I produced answered the brief fully and I am proud of how it has come out.
When I first got the brief I was unsure how I would be able to deal with the idea of not being literal and as the project went on I realised this only got harder. I really struggled to find an idea with a strong enough theme to stay interesting while not taking away from the speech or being literal. 
My first idea of filming water started strong but I was losing faith in it and struggling to take the ideas any further forward so decided to drop it before I wasted too much time on it.
I tried a few different things between ideas but none stood out to be great. I decided that I would scrap everything I had done including editing a piece of music which fitted very well with the speech. 
It took a few days but I finally got a new idea which I could take forward and would get me through the last part of the project. 
This is when I came up with my old film idea. I had a vision in my head of an old cinema projector turning on and beaming images over to a screen of abstract, obscure objects moving along to the speech, with this idea then came the thought that the only sound should be the speech and its crackle. After picturing all of this I then decided that as the speech is going to be the main focus of the sound it should be the main focus visually as well. So then came my idea of having the whole speech in text and the images in the background as more of an accompanying texture than a video clip. 
Once I had decided all of this I was set on getting it done so I filmed objects and foods and then in final cut zoomed in, cropped and edited them to look abstract and somewhat unrecognisable as they are meant to just be a background. I changed all of the clips so they were in sepia and added a clip over the top of film scratches and noise which came with a boarder which fuzzed and jumped around making it look exactly like I had imagined. 
When it came to showing the class my work, the feedback was good. There were a few changes that were suggested like lowering the sound of the beeps on the countdown and fading in the start of the video from black which I agreed with and changed. The other suggestions were to have different type faces to emphasise different words and also to change the last bit so the whole of the quote was shown not just one word at a time, although I can see that these changes might improve the video, with the time scale I have I cannot do it. I would risk throwing my whole video off time and therefore having it incomplete. For this time I will just have to put it down as something I would change if I were to do it again. 
So overall I am extremely pleased with how it went and feel I have really over come this literal barrier that was holding me back. 
Here is my finished film.

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