Sunday 21 October 2012

Storyboard and Animatic

Now that I have my interview fully edited I can start my first draft of the storyboard and from this create a simple animatic. 

Here you can see that my opening scene will be the news report from the radio with the key words coming out to highlight them and then switch to the news paper which will show photos and quotes from people that rescued the dogs. 

This will then go to the first scene which is of my mum ringing Kit Wilson, in this scene you will see the phone sitting on the side and then my mums hands dialling and picking up the phone to talk. 

The next scene has a question mark on it as im not sure if showing this scene will be upsetting and limit my audience, but if I were to keep the scene it would have quotes from the news report such as "basically wild" with photos of the dogs in the condition they were found in along with my mum elaborating on how horrible the contions were and how they made her feel. 

The third scene is the lady from Kit Wilson ringing my mum back, for this there will be a woman in the Kit Wilson reception dialling a number on the phone and as it rings the screen will split and my mum will walk to the phone in her house and answer it.

The fourth scene is of my mum walking into Kit Wilson, for this she will walk towards the double doors and they will open as she walks through.

The fifth scene is of my mum picking up one of the dogs and them turning around to put his nose on hers.

The sixth scene shows my dogs meeting the new dog at Kit Wilson, this will involve them walking towards each other and interacting.

The seventh scene is of my mum taking Archie home, in this scene she will be seen getting him out of the car and walking him on a lead toward the front door of the house. 

The eighth scene is showing what Archie couldn't do when we got him home, this will include not being able to walk up stairs and not knowing how to play.

The ninth scene is showing Archie six years later, where he can do all the things scene eight shows he cant for example you will see him chase a ball and run upstairs. 

The last scene will show that Archie is now happy and fits in perfectly with the family.

With this storyboard and a few extra drawings, I have created a simple animatic to show how these types of images will work along side the interview. 

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