Tuesday 18 October 2011


After having seen the work of a photographer who goes by the name of "55Laney69" I was hugely inspired to take my second two panoramas and conbine them like he did in this image below.

I knew that it would be harder to get the same effect as he has given in his flat panorama in my cylindrical one as I would have to blend my lit scene into my dark scene and then blend it back out again before the end of my panorama so that I dont get a large line between the two times when I play it in the cylindrical code.
The first thing I did with both of my images was to open them both in Photohop. I then cut out a section using the marquee tool out of my night time scene photo. I then dropped this into a new layer over the top of my day time scene image. All I did after this was to use a layer mask and using the blending techniques as before when making the actual panoramas, I merged and blended the two layers to give the same effect as 55Laney69 gave in his panoramas. Here you can see what my image came out like

I have decided to discard this idea now that I have tried it as it does not look particularly good with my images. The idea was to make it blend from light to dark and then back out again, but this panorama looks more like I have had a problem with my colours and have not been bothered to fix it. Over all this was a nice idea which worked for 55laney69, but for me it was not as successful. I am glad I tried the idea but this time it will just stay on my desktop as an experiment that didn't quite work.

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