Tuesday 18 October 2011


After finishing my panoramas and adding them into the code, I showed the finished work to my class and teachers for feedback.The main things that were fed back to me were about the theme, stitching and locations. 
It seemed that the main reaction to my theme was that it was a strong and clever idea, however there was a mixed reaction to my locations. Some of my peers could see how the locations worked with my theme and with eachother, while the others disagreed and said that they were boring to look at. A very good comment that was made by one of my peers to the others was "the images on their own aren't hugely effective, however with a theme like this they are made to go together, not separately". I am glad that this was said as it is completely true. My images have been created to fit in a a theme together. Alone my images look like just a wood and just a attic but together they show meaning and pattern.
The other comments I received were about my stitching, as far as criticism goes I got little to none, this is fantastic as before doing this project I have never before created a panorama and have had to do stitching to this extent.
I can understand and appreciate all of the comments made about my work. Although there were a few negatives they seemed to be balanced well with positive, so overall I am pleased. 

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