Tuesday 18 October 2011


Now that I have finished all of my work and have received all of the feedback from my crit I am satisfied with the overall project. Although not everyone agreed with my choices of location, some did understand why I picked the placed that I did. Almost everyone had good things to say about my stitching and also about my theme. If I were to do this project again I would maybe take into consideration what was said about location and maybe look for somewhere else that does a similar thing to what I was after.
There is little else that I would change about this project as I feel it has all worked out well and I am pleased with that I have learnt. Although I knew how to edit the images I did not know the difference between destructive and non-destructive editing, such as using layer masks to edit the levels and to remove parts of the image so that the data is not lost and can be easily put back to the original state. This is something that I will take with me through future projects and also in the future away from University as I will conciser this every time I use Photoshop or similar editing software.
I have enjoyed this project thoroughly and look forward to seeing what the next brief will bring.

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